Fall 2009
October 29, 2009: Faculty Community Seminar
This event follows the successful inaugural seminar by Rainer Buschmann in Spring 2009.
Our second Seminar will feature our colleague from California Lutheran University, Dr. Richard Derderian, who will talk on “The French Melting Pot: Immigration and National Memory.” France has a richer immigration history than any other country in Europe. In fact, by the 1930s, France was one of the world's leading per capita destination for immigrants—surpassing even the United States. Why then has immigration never figured prominently in the French national identity?
Learn more about the story of immigration in France and the histories of the North African and Vietnamese communities in particular.
Spring 2008 Announcement
John Gillis is on campus on April 26 (Friday) giving a talk in Aliso Hall (2:00-3:30) for the "Global Histories and their Futures" lecture series. The title of his talk is "First and Last Frontiers: Coasts in Human History."
John R. Gillis is a historian, now retired from Rutgers University and living in Berkeley,
California. He is the author or editor of ten books dealing with a wide range of social
and cultural topics. The most recent is Islands of the Mind, was published in 2004. He
is now at work on a study of coasts in human history, tentatively titled Back to the Sea.
John took his BA at Amherst College and his PhD at Stanford. He taught at Stanford before
moving on to Princeton and then to Rutgers, where he was a member of the faculty for
thirty four years. While he began as a German historian, he turned to British social
history in the 1960s, writing books on age relations (Youth and History, 1974)), marriage
(For Better, For Worse: British Marriages 1600 to the Present, 1985), and family cultures
(A World of Their Own Making: Myth, Ritual, and the Quest for Family Values, 1996).
He began to turn his attention to global history in the 1990s, hence the book on islands
in 2004.
Gillis has been a fellow of colleges at both Oxford and Cambridge Universities. He has been a resident fellow in both Denmark and Sweden, as well as at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. Most recently, as a Fulbright Senior Specialist in island studies, he was a visiting professor at Prince Edward Island University in Canada.
The experience of spending more than forty summers on a small island off the coast of Maine
encouraged Gillis’ exploration of the place that isles have had in the western imagination. Now bicoastal by virtue of his residence in Berkeley, he is using the same cultural geographical perspective to explore the changing meaning of coasts in human history. Having personally experienced in both Maine and the Bay Area the massive coastal changes of recent decades, he aims in his new book to take on our collective amnesia about the long history of Homo Littoralis, to provide an important corrective to a historical literature that has paid scant attention to coastal societies as opposed to the world’s heartlands. In correcting the bias toward land over sea, Back to the Sea reveals the amphibious dimensions of human existence.
Aware of the treasure trove of historical experience that is available to us if only we would
seek it, John Gillis is concerned to join the current discussion of littorals presently dominated
by marine biologists and geologists. As a global historian, knowledgable about the Atlantic rim but also the shores of the Pacific, he is aware of a diversity of coastal cultures that can enrich our understanding and guide our solutions to problems accumulating on shores all around the world. In short, as a coastal dweller, he thinks there should be a place at the table for a historical perspective that, informed by the ecological sciences and by anthropology, takes into account not only deep time but also the diversity of the world’s geographies.
More about John Gillis can be found in his Wikipedia entry, as well as the Rutgers University History Department website.
Fall 2007 News
Congratuations to Frank Barajas on his tenure and promotion! The History program joins colleagues from across campus to congratulate Dr. Frank Barajas on his tenure and promotion to Associate Professor. Frank has been an integral part in making CSUCI the remarkable institution that it is, and we look forward to many more years of research, service, and of course, teaching!"
Jim Meriwether joins the faculty. The History program welcomes Jim Meriwether to the ranks as a tenured Full Professor. Spending the 07-08 academic year on a Fulbright in Kenya, Jim will join us Fall 2008. Dr. Meriwether is a specialist in African American history, African history, and the connections between the two, and will strenghten both the World and North American pillars of the History program.
Michael Blodgett : On the initiative of CSUCI instructor Dr. Michael Blodgett, on 3 November 2007 the History Program of the California State University at Channel Islands hosted the Fall meeting of the Friends of Ancient History. The Friends is an organization that brings together ancient historians from California universities between San Diego and Santa Barbara. Two papers were presented, separated by a lunch. The papers were “Augustus and the Imperial Cult in Ancient Corinth” presented by Paul Scotton from CSU Long Beach with commentary by John Pollini of USC. The second paper was presented by Walter Penrose from San Diego State University, “The Historicity of the Amazons: A New Approach.” The Commentator was Dorota Dutsch from UCSB.
Spring 2007 News
(May 25, 2007)
Professor Nian-Sheng Huang's research proposal "The Poor in Early Massachusetts" was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, which would allow him to continue his search and writing at the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston for 2007-08. For the last several years, the same research project has won several CSUCI faculty development grants. It has also won the Benjamin Franklin Stevens Fellowship at the Massachusetts Historical Society in 2003, a Peterson Fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society in 2005, and a New England Regional Consortium Fellowship in 2006. The latest long-term NEH-MHS Fellowship is a significant national recognition of the importance of the project. It provides much needed time and sponsorship for him to bring the book-length project to completion. Professor Huang will be on leave from June to December 2007.
(January 22)
Professor Rainer F. Buschmann published a new book Oceans in World History (McGraw Hill, 2007). Drawn enormous expertise in his studies of the interconnections between oceans and human experiences, Professor Buschmann's new book is indeed one of the kind. Congratulations! Professor Buschmann is an expert in world history and is on leave to conduct new research projects for the 2006-07 AY.
Fall 2006 News
(October 30)
![A Culture of Everyday Credit book cover](/images/Marie%20New%20Book.jpg)
Professor Marie Francois just published a new book A Culture of Everyday Credit: Housekeeping, Pawnbroking, and Governance in Mexico City, 1750-1920 (University of Nebraska Press, 2006). Extensively researched and highly anticipated as one of the best manuscripts on the topic for the last thirty years, her new book will certainly make a significant contribution to the scholarship and understanding of Mexican history. Professor Marie Francois is an expert in Mexican history and she just joined the history faculty in fall 2006. Our warm congratulations to her!
(August 28)
Welcome to Dr. Marie Francois, who just arrived with her family last summer with a new baby daughter! For this fall, Marie will be teaching History of Mexico, Gender and Ethnicity in Latin America, and History of Business and Economics in North America.
(August 26, Saturday)
Today, the Ventura County Star published an article about Scott Corbett (see A1, A6), who planned to take his class of Themes in World History to participate in the National Geographic survey in tracing ancestry by DNA. A great initiative to learn history! Congratulations.
(August 25)
We are very sad to announce that Dr. Kenneth Kurz passed away this last summer because of complications after a surgery. A full-time lecturer in American history for 2005-06 AY, Ken was a committed, hard working, and enthusiastic instructor. His was a wonderful colleague, and we will always remember his significant contributions to the program and his good cheer. We share the feelings expressed by Emily Ramsey, one of his many students-- "Dr. Kurz was the kind of professor who kept his students perpetually engaged. Never dull, there will never be another teacher like him."
Spring 2006 News
Instructor Fred Nadis's book Wonder Shows: Performing Science, Magic, and Religion in America (Rutgers University Press, 2005) received a laudable review in the April issue of the American Historical Review. "[H]is energetic, impressively researched tour pf wonder shows," the reviewer wrote, ".... is generous throughout and wonderfully well informed." Congratulations! Fred Nadis holds the doctorate in American Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2002.
(5-1-06) News from Women History
History 414: Women's Stories, Women's Lives has begun an oral history project, which will be preserved in the CSUCI library archives. The program is entitled "A Generation Apart: The Women of California Oral History Project". It contains transcripts of oral histories conducted by history 414 students under the guidance of Dr. Christina Gessler (American University, 2002).
All students choose a woman of one generation older [or younger] than they are, and interview the woman about the personal story that was most pivotal to her life. Archived stories will include such diverse life stories as the role of birth control in a married woman's life, working for the department of defense, mother/daughter relationships, being a Jewish American woman during WWII, growing up in a coal mine, being an aerospace wife, and serving as a WASP. All students who enroll in future history 414 courses with Dr. Gessler will be asked to contribute a new transcript to the project.
Dr. Gessler developed this project because of two key beliefs: that ordinary women's lives are an integral part of US history and thus must be studied, respected and preserved; and that history students need to learn not to just study history, but to make history.
On April 20, Instructor Christina Gessler will present a paper to the panel of "The Family, Marriage and Work, 1850-1940" at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, Washington D.C. Her topic is " 'I Mended Up My Old Waterproof Dress': The Hidden Household Economy in Rural New England."
Great News!
Dr. Marie Francois has accepted President Rush’s invitation to join our faculty. A Mexican history specialist, she received her Ph.D. in History from the University of Arizona, her M.A. in Comparative History from UC Santa Cruz, and her B.A. in History and Latin American Studies from the University of Virginia. She is currently an Associate Professor of History at Auburn University in Alabama, where she has taught since 1998. Dr. Francois will join our faculty in the fall as a tenured Associate Professor of History. Our warm welcome to Professor Francois and her family to our community.
For event information of "Waking Up in the Nuclear Age: Becoming a Global Citizen," please contact Professor Frank Barajas at 805-437-8862.
According to the newly approved Academic Master Plan (2006-2013) of the university, the History Program will begin to offer the Master's degree in history in 2010.
Reporter John Scheibe went to the first Benjamin Franklin event on Thursday afternoon (Feb. 9). He wrote an article, which appeared the next day in Ventura County Star, Feb. 10, 2006, Friday, p. B 3. Titled "Scholar says Ben Franklin would love CSUCI," the article was listed as the number one item at the CSU Daily News Clips on the same day. For a complete text of the article, please see it at http://vocuspr.vocus.com/vocuspr30/Publish/14442/Forward_14442_1060908.htm#11852090.
(1-20-06) Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary Events at CSUCI: Spring 2006
2-9-06, Th., 2 pm, Conference Hall One
Carla Mulford, Penn State University
Benjamin Franklin, Traditions of Liberalism,
and the Plan for an Academy at Philadelphia
2-9-06, Th., 6: 30 pm, Science Auditorium
Michael Kammen, Cornell University
Seeing and Being Seen: Franklin’s Visionary Fame
in the Context of the Nation’s Founders
3-30-06, Th., 2 pm, Conference Hall One
Gordon Wood, Brown University
The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin
3-30-06, Th., 6: 30 pm, Conference Hall One
J. A. Leo Lemay, University of Delaware
Franklin’s Intellectual and Personal Characteristics
5-20-06, Sat., 9 am, South Quad Lawn
David McCullough
Commencement Speech
For details please contact:
Dr. Nian-Sheng Huang, History Program, CSUCI
(805) 437-8879, or nian-sheng.huang@csuci.edu
Fall 2005 News
December 24
President Dick Rush has award Professor Rainer Buschmann a sabbatical leave for AY 2006-07, which is one of the first of the University. Professor Frank Barajas and Professor Nian-Sheng Huang have received faculty development mini-grants for Spring 2006. These awards would help the history faculty to continue their scholarly pursuits.
Congratulations to them all!
An Impressive Turnout (11-12-2005)
About 80 students, faculty, and community members attended the event at the Science Auditorium on Friday (November 4), when Dr. David Christian, professor of history, San Diego State University, gave a talk on “What Is the Use of Big History.” He engaged the audience by taking them to a broadly conceived concept of world history seldom attempted by other historians. Many stayed long after his presentation to wait to talk to him and enquire further about his approach. Our sincere appreciation to Professor Christian, and many thanks to Rainer for organizing another successful event in the world history lecture series.
History Lecture (10-28-05)
California State University Channel Islands Presents Talk by World History Expert
WHO: | Dr. David Christian, professor of history, San Diego State University |
WHEN: | Friday, November 4, 4 p.m. |
WHERE: | California State University Channel Islands, Science Building Auditorium. Follow event signs to parking. |
WHAT: | At the above place and time, Dr. David Christian will present a lecture on “What Is the Use of Big History,” based on his book, Maps of Time, which recently won the World History Association prize for best work on world history. The talk is part of the University’s lecture series titled, “Global Histories and Their Futures.” The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Rainer Buschmann, associate professor of history, at 805-437-8995. |
Graduate Studies (10-28-05)
Graduate Program in African History at the University of California, Davis.
The History Department of the University of California, Davis, invites applications for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with a focus on Africa for the academic year 2006-07.
The History Department admits a select pool of graduate student candidates for the degree and is now in its third year of offering a doctoral program focusing on Africa. The successful candidate(s) would participate in general graduate classes in history as well as tutorial and graduate classes in African history. There will be opportunities to serve as a teaching assistant for the two Africanist faculty members.
Students will study and write under the supervision of Professors Cynthia Brantley and Benjamin Lawrance, and can anticipate that they will proceed to conduct independent research in Africa. Candidates will also benefit from the experience and guidance of faculty in the History Department at UC Davis, take advantage of the rich expertise of the thirty-five Africanist faculty at UC Davis and the emerging African Studies designated emphasis within the African American and African Studies Program, and the large pool of African historians in the University of California system. Foreign language training assistance may be available. Applications are particularly welcomed from candidates from diverse backgrounds, whose research interests intersect with those of current faculty, particularly applied research models that incorporate or relate to the history of colonialism and contemporary development trends.
For further information please direct questions to Professor Benjamin Lawrance.
UC Davis History Department
2216 Social Sciences and Humanities
1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA, 95616
Tel: (530) 752-0776
Email: bnl@ucdavis.edu
Visit the website at http://history.ucdavis.edu/grad/
Record Turnout at Father Greg Boyle's Presentation (10-13-05)
Father Greg Boyle, East Los Angeles Homeboy Industries, gave a moving speech last night about how educators, the community, and law enforcement could work cooperatively to end youth violence and crime. Professor Frank Barajas initiated and organized this event, which was a great success. The turnout was amazing. At least 196 people signed in as they entered Conference Hall Number One. Jerilee Petralba added, however, who helped a great deal to facilitate the event, "I know a lot more people didn't sign in. So it's safe to say that over 200 people attended the event. Around 77 were from the community. Demographics ranged from judge, attorney, officer, activists, senior citizens, gang members, press, community groups, social workers, youth workers/leaders, high school students, faculty members of neighboring high schools and colleges. It was a great turnout!" Congratulations to Frank for giving our university and the community such an impressive opportunity to appreciate Father Greg Boyle, and many thanks to Frank and Jerilee for all your hard work to bring this event to a great success.
History Event on October 12 (9-27-05)
“Father Greg Boyle and the Homeboys,” a talk by a noted Los Angeles community activist who helps at-risk and former gang-involved youth to become contributing members of a community. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation. The event is sponsored by the California State University Channel Islands History Program. For more information, contact Frank Barajas, assistant professor of history, at 805-437-8862.
Congratulations to Heidi (9-15-05)
Heidi Hintz (class of 2005) has begun to work toward her master's degree in history at Cal State Northridge. Congratulations and best wishes to her!
Congratulations to Rainer! (8-25-05)
Dr. Rainer Buschmann has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Professor Buschmann holds a Ph.D. from the University of Hawai'i. His expertise in world history and his enthusiasm to promote interdisciplinary learning have been instrumental in establishing and implementing the history curriculum. An excellent instructor in the classroom, he is also a rising star and recognized scholar for his numerous publications in the field of oceans and history. The History Program warmly congratulates this landmark achievement, and wishes him continued success in his career! It is indeed an honor to all of us and the Program.
Spring 2005 News
The first graduating class (5-22-05)
Vanessa Perez sent this photo of the first graduating class of our history majors at the Commencement on May 21, 2005.
Congratulations to all!
Year-end Celebration (5-17-05)
All historians and their friends are welcome to a year-end celebration at 1548 Iroquois Court in Camarillo, from 4 pm, May 18. See you there!
Great News from Bill Garner (5-9-05)
Bill Garner has signed a contract to teach American History and Cultural Geography at a private college preparatory high school in Cerritos, Calif. He'll be moving down to the south Los Angeles county area at the end of this summer, begin teaching in September, and start his teacher credential and graduate studies at Long Beach State the following winter. Bill says, "I know this is going to be a ton of work, but it's what I've been wanting for the last five years, so bring it on!" Congratulations and we wish him the best!
Honored History Students (5-7-05)
Last night, ELEVEN history students were honored at the University Convocation. They are--
Cum Laude
Miriam AndrewsKimberly Cordero
David D’Amore
Travis Dasnoit
Jeffrey Dinkler
Heidi Hintz
Libby Lang
Magna Cum Laude
Christopher AndersonBilly Garner
Summa Cum Laude
Thomas BarkerNoah Stepro
History Program Honor
Lecture Event (5-4-05)
Historian Paul Spickard, professor from UC Santa Barbara, gave the second lecture in the series of "Global Histories and Their Futures" on April 29. His topic was “Race and Nation: Ethnic Systems in the Modern World" More than sixty students, faculty, and community members attended the event, which was a great success.
Great News from Kimberly Cordero (5-3-05)
Kimberly Cordero has been accepted to the Social Science credential and master's program at California Lutheran University. Congratulations!
Great News from Vanessa Perez (4-28-05)
Vanessa Perez just received her acceptance letter from California Lutheran University. She will be attending in the fall for a single subject credential and a master's degree. Congratulations!
Great News from Sheila Attarchi
Sheila Attarchi has been accepted into the graduate programs at Chapman University. She will pursue a master's degree in Psychology with a concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). She is the third one of our history majors going to a graduate school this year. Congratulations!
Great News about Tom
Tom Barker has been admitted to the graduate programs at the University of Kansas. He will be completing a MA in East Asian History and then move onto a Ph.D. in pre-modern Japan. His article, "Silver, Silk and Manila: Factors leading to the Manila Galleon Trade," just appeared in the recent issue of I.D.E.A.S. Please check it at http://ideas.union.edu/articles.php?action=read&id=19#_edn14Congratulations!
Great News from Jef
Jeffrey Dinkler wrote this afternoon (Feb. 16), "I received my acceptance letter from UCSB from the MA/PhD program in History, specifically History of Science." Congratulations!
Deena from CSULB
About her progress in the CSU Long Beach Credential Program. Deena Finestone wrote to Rainer Buschmann on January 30, "These classes are something else. The level to which I had become accustomed to performing at is not quite the same here. My research papers are only 2-3 pages... But I am learning more about the teaching side. . . . I miss everyone from CSUCI, but I am glad to report that I was more than prepared for this program and I thank you for that."
Our best wishes to her work and success at CSULB.
Check Them Out!
For those who are interested in the internship opportunity, please click
Or for a graduate fellowship: http://www.usu.edu/history/whq/fellowships.htm.
2004-05 News
First Lecture in the Series
Historian Ken Curtis, professor from CSU at Long Beach, gave the first lecture in the series of "Global Histories and Their Futures" on November 22. His topic was “Voyages in World History: Historical Narratives and Global Themes." More than seventy students, faculty, and community members attended the event, which was a great success. Thanks to Rainer and all those students who have done so much to organize this impressive event.
Heidi Hintz took a picture before the presentation. From right to left: Frank Barajas, Ken Curtis, Rainer Buschmann, and Nian-Sheng Huang.
![Frank Barajas, Ken Curtis, Rainer Buschmann, and Nian-Sheng Huang](/images/Nian%20Rainer%20Ken%20Frank%20edited%20size%202.jpg)
More than a hundred students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members attended last night's (11-16) event to hear Shayana Kadidal's speech, who gave a first-hand account about the legal battles for the Guantanamo Detainees under international law and the American judicial system. A great educational event. Thanks to all who helped and attended, especially Callie and Jerilee. Congratulations to Franklin for organizing this event.
Event on Nov 16
Shayana Kadidal, staff attorney for the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) of New York City will present a talked titled "Devil's Island: Guantanamo Detainees and the Search for Justice." He will focus on the June 28, 2004 CCR Rasul v. Bush case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that detainees have the right to challenge their detentions in American courts.
The event is scheduled for Nov. 16, at 7 pm, Conference Hall #1.
For more information please contact Professor Frank Barajas (frank.barajas@csuci.edu, x8862).
Meeting on Nov. 5
CSUCI History Club Meeting #5: Friday, November 5, 2004, 12:00-12:45 p.m., Conference Room #1568* (Located by the Bell Tower Counseling Waiting Area).
This week features:- Updated event budget information
- We had a great response to our request for help! Many thanks to the following students who have volunteered to assist at the November 22 event! These participants will prepare conference hall #1 on the morning and early afternoon of 11/22 and then will act as hosts and hostesses to the expected 75 guests.
Catering & Table Arrangements: Kimberly Cordero, Deana Finestone
Event Coordination: Heidi Hintz, Beth Sadler
Flowers and Centerpieces: Elisha Collins, Alice Grotke
Linens and Tableware: Heather Frank
Logistical Room Set Up: Tom Barker, Dave Damore, Travis Dasnoit, Bill Garner
Promotions (prior to 11/22): Miram Andrews, Jef Dinkler, Karen Krzyska, Vanessa Perez
As the event draws nearer, additional information will be sent to all volunteers via email. Thanks again!
Faculty Grants
The History faculty recently won three grants awarded by CSUCI:
Professor Frank Barajas for his project Oxnard Civil Gang Injunction.
Professor Rainer Buschmann for his project Oceans of World History/The Ethnographic Frontier in German New Guinea.
Professor Nian-Sheng Huang for his project The Poor in Early Massachusetts.
Congratulations to them all!
Announcement (10-25-04)
The History Program at CSUCI is proud to announce the inauguration of a new lecture series "Global Histories and Their Futures." In accordance with the strong world historical foundations of CSUCI's history major, this series features prominent world historians teaching at universities around the state. Their lectures will highlight innovative teaching and research approaches to world history. For our inaugural lecture we are pleased to introduce Ken Curtis, Professor of History at the California State University, Long Beach. Professor Curtis' talk is entitled “Voyages in World History: Historical Narratives and Global Themes".
Please contact Rainer Buschmann (rainer.buschmann@csuci.edu or 805-437-8995) for further information.
Meeting on the 29th
The CSUCI History Club will hold its meeting on October 29, 12-12: 45 pm in Conference Room #1568.
This week features:- A search for volunteers! We are looking for club members/history students who are available the morning and early afternoon of November 22 to help prepare the event hall. If you are interested in helping out, please attend this week’s History Club meeting and sign up for an assignment. No skills required.
Last week’s highlights:
- Many thanks to Tom Barker for reviewing the planning committee’s budget proposal! With his assistance, the committee is ready to present its financial plan before the appropriate CSUCI board this Tuesday, October 26th. After which, the club will know how much it can spend on the November 22nd event entitled, Voyages in World History: Historical Narratives and Global Themes.
“Global Histories and Their Futures”
The History Program in conjunction with the History Club will start a lecture series entitled “Global Histories and Their Futures.” Those lectures feature world historians from Southern California who will speak on a number of topics. Our first speaker is Professor Kenneth Curtis from CSU Long Beach, who will come to speak on November 22. All members of the community are welcome.
Meeting on the 22nd
The CSUCI History Club will hold its meeting on October 22, 12-12: 45 pm in Conference Room #1568, to discuss the budget, menu, and other planning details regarding the November World History campus hosted by the Club. There is a project for everyone!
Daniel Smith
18 October, 2004. The CSUCI History Club extends many thanks to Daniel Smith for sharing his incredible collection of ship wrecked artifacts. Good luck Daniel as you study abroad.
2003-04 News
Master Index by Student
Bill Garner, a history major at CSUCI, has recently compiled a master index of a variety of references and materials (printed as well as oral history, etc.) concerning Chinese-Americans in Ventura County. He completed this project as an intern at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art during the winter recess. A gift to Chinese-Americans in Ventura and to all those who are interested in their history and experience, his master index is now a permanent part of that institution’s collection.
History Honor Student
Bill Garner, a history honor student, took a picture with President Richard Rush at the University Convocation on May 6, 2004.
![Richard Rush and Bill Garner](/images/image002.jpg)
Year-end Celebration
A group of history students and faculty members celebrated Bill Garner’s accomplishments and the end of the academic year 2003-04. They discussed the topic of how to build a community of historians at CSUCI and beyond graduation. From left to right in the picture below are those who attended the luncheon at the Chester’s in Camarillo on May 7, 2004: Nian-Sheng Huang, Travis Dasnoit, Heidi Hintz, Tom Barker, Chris Hayes, Bill Garner, David D’Amore, and Rainer Buschmann. The picture was taken by Jody, Bill’s wife.
![History Students and Faculty](/images/image004.jpg)